Why our Website is Antiquated
Let's face it, this site's not going to win any design awards. Some of its lack of luster is by intent:
But we also have had a long hibernation. We were mostly inoperative from 2008 through the 2020 general election. With every institutional force aligned foursquare against us and no one in government willing to fight or stand up for their constituencies, there was little reason for us to keep banging our heads against the wall.
Update 2020: Almost every institutional force is now aggressively against us. But now the President of the United States is speaking forthrightly on these issues and it seems we have a large, red-blooded patriotic contingent committed to the cause. Never has there been a more more precipitous moment.
Please donate time or money if you can to help us fight the good fight. The site may remain antiquated, but you can be sure we'll put every penny to use in the fight for free elections, free speech, and for freedom in general.
Support Election Integrity with a tax-deductible contribution to the Columbus Institute of Contemporary Journalism by following this link:
Or mail your check to:
Election Integrity
c/o Bob Fitrakis
1240 Bryden Rd.
Columbus, Ohio 43205
Your donation is tax-deductible!
Thank you from all of us at Election Integrity.